Week 10B

Year 5 Introduction.mov

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You need to:

  • View the examples of primary sources and think about the questions
  • Analyse a primary source in Google Classroom
  • Complete the refection


Primary Sources

A primary source is an item that was made at the time that is being shown. They can be artefacts, documents, maps, sketches, paintings or diary entries. Some examples of sources are below for you to view. While looking at the primary sources see if you can answer some of the questions. This will help you be successful in the learning engagement.

Primary Sources


In Google Classroom:

Find the document Week 10B: Primary Sources. This will be under Thursday 2 April in the Year 5 Google Classroom.

You are going to analyse your own primary source. Primary sources are how historians can find out about the past.

Remember: A primary source is something that was created or comes from the past. It could be a painting, artefact, diary, newspaper, photograph, or document.