Week 9A

W9A Year 6 Introduction.mov

Welcome to Library Online

You should only work on this lesson for 45 minutes.

You need to:

  • Watch the video on the Snowy Mountains Scheme
  • Complete the Google Form See-Think-Wonder
  • Read the text on the Snowy Mountains Scheme
  • Make notes on the consequences
  • Record your work on the Document in Google Classrooms
  • Complete the Google Form reflection at the bottom of this page


Snowy Mountains Scheme

Watch the video on the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

Complete a See-Think-Wonder.

  • See: Describe what you saw in the video.
  • Think: What do you think about the Snowy Mountain Scheme?
  • Wonder: What questions or wonderings do you have?

You should have a minimum of 3 statements for each.


Snowy Mountains.pdf

Consequences of the Snowy Mountains Scheme

What you need to do:

  1. Read the document on The Snowy Mountains.
  2. Identify the main consequences of the Snowy Mountains Scheme. The consequences may be positive or negative.
  3. Record your responses in document Library 9A: Consequences of the Snowy Mountains Scheme available in Google Classrooms (click the link below).

Video Tutorial

Watch the video if you need help to highlight a PDF or Google Doc.

W9A Year 6 How do I Highlight?.mov

How do I highlight a PDF?

An optional instructional video to show you how you can highlight a PDF or Google Doc.


Complete the Reflection and Feedback form below.